Drawings of Australian-designed aircraft
The drawings below are a collection of 3-view outlines of
aircraft which were designed in Australia.
They have been checked for consistency between the different
views and against the main dimensions listed in various sources
for the aircraft shown. In some cases the drawings are based on
the research of others, this is noted in the descriptions below.
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Amethyst Falcon
The Falcon is a single-place aerobatic ultralight biplane. It was designed by Eric Whitney (with the aim that it could be built by a home-builder in a single-car garage) and the stress calculations were carried out by Bill Whitney.
Two Falcons have been constructed to date, the first by Bill Knight (shown in the photo).
3-view drawing:
This is a simple outline drawing at 1:48 scale. Since I drew this, I have come across more detailed information
from the designer, so I intend to create a more accurate drawing of the Falcon in the future.
PDF for Letter paper (58 KB)
Amsco Monoplane
The AMSCO Sport monoplane is a rare Australian light plane developed by Charlie Pratt and his Aircaft Manufacturing and Supply Company in Geelong in the 1930s.
3-view drawing:
This 1:48 scale drawing was originally created by the late Alex Pedashenko. I have re-drafted Alex's original, and corrected some of the detail around the engine, based on recently published photographs.
PDF for A4 paper (23 KB)
Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation CA-15
The CA-15 was a prototype fighter developed by CAC in the closing stages of WWII. It represented the peak in piston-powered
fighter aircraft performance.
The original concept which led to the CA-15 was a development proposal based on the Boomerang fighter and powered by a Pratt & Whitney R-2800.
However it was soon realised that an entirely new airframe would be required and so the CA-15 project followed.
With its liquid-cooled Merlin engine, bubble canopy, laminar flow wing and belly-mounted radiator it bears a superficial resemblance to the North American Mustang aircraft, however this is only a coincidence of design since the CA-15 project was developed independently by CAC. The CA-15 was originally intended to be powered by an R-2800 air-cooled radial engine.
You can find more information regarding the CA-15 on these websites:
3-view drawings:
These drawings show the basic outline of the CA-15.
PDF for A4 paper
PDF for Letter paper
Gippsland Aeronautics GA-8 Airvan
The GA-8 is an 8 passenger utility plane developed and produced in Australia. It recently received type certification in the USA (becoming the 7th Australian aircraft to achieve this).
3-view drawing:
This is a simple outline drawing of the GA-8, based on a company brochure.
PDF for A4 paper (17 KB)
Government Aircraft Factory N22 Nomad
The Nomad was developed during the 1960s as a utility aircraft, able to carry passengers and freight and operate out of unprepared landing strips.
3-view drawing:
This drawing shows the basic outline of the Nomad N22,
originally drafted at 1:72 scale.
PDF for A4 paper (17 KB)
Kingsford Smith Aviation Services PL-7 Tanker

After developing the KS.1, KS.2 and KS.3 Cropmaster series based on converted CAC Wackett airframes, Kingsford Smith Aviation Services enlisted the innovative design talent of Luigi Pellarini to create a new agricultural aircraft "from the ground up".
The result was the Kingsford Smith PL-7 Tanker, a purpose-designed twin-tail pod-fuselage sesquiplane (an ancestor of the Transavia PL-12 Airtruk, also designed by Pellarini). Powered by a Armstrong-Siddeley Cheetah engine of 400 hp, this was a large aircraft with a wingspan of 40 feet 9½ inches.
The PL-7 (the 7th aircraft type designed by Luigi Pellarini) was the first in a fascinating series of purpose-designed agricultural aircraft by Pellarini.
The next evolution was the PL-11 Airtruck, built by Bennett Aviation in Te Kuiti, New Zealand. This design continued with the twin-tailed approach to enable easy loading of the hopper, and also featured the sesquiplane layout, but the lower wing was significantly smaller. Once again Pellarini developed a large and powerful aircraft for agricultural work, with a wingspan of 48 feet powered by a 500 hp Pratt & Witney R-1340 Wasp engine (from war surplus Havard trainers). Extensive information on the PL-11 can be found on the Wings Over New Zealand Aviation Forum.
The final development in this "series" was the PL-12 Airtruk (no "c" in the spelling), built by Transavia in Sydney, Australia. Once again this was a completely new design, but following the same principles. A smaller aircraft this time (39 feet 3½ inches wingspan) it was powered with the more common Lycoming IO-540 engine, providing 300 hp. More information on the PL-12 can be found on Wikipedia.
3-view drawing:
This drawing shows basic outlines of the PL-7 Tanker.
PDF for A4 paper (17 KB)
Southern Cross Aviation SC1
The SC1 was a prototype for a 4-place trainer and touring aircraft. It first flew in 1962, but never went into production due to competition from imported trainer aircraft.
The sole prototype has been restored at the Museum of Army Aviation in Oakey, Queensland (on loan from the Australian National Aviation Museum at Moorabbin in Melbourne).
This drawing is based on Joe Vella's drawing originally published in the AHSA Journal, but with extra detail added and checks made from measurements of the actual aircraft while it was in storage at the Australian National Aviation Museum in Moorabbin.
Click here to open a PDF file formatted for A4 paper (29 KB)
Click here to open an PDF formatted for A4 paper showing colour schemes