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Site UpdatesThis site is no longer being updated. Click here for the new website. |
Previous update list: |
August 19, 2012 |
The CA-1 Wirraway page previously included a small description of the NA-16-1A (NA-32) aircraft which was ordered by CAC for evaluation trials, but I have now added more detail to the previous content and split this out onto its own page. |
August 7, 2012 |
To complete the full set of external views for the drawings for the CA-1 Wirraway, I've added a new drawing, showing the front and rear views of the aircraft to the Wirraway drawings page. All 6 external views (port, starboard, above, below, front and rear) are now complete. This just leaves me with cockpit details to come... I have also updated all the other drawings of the CA-1 Wirraway and uploaded fresh versions. This allowed me to fix some errors, add some missing details and double-check to ensure consistency between all the different views. Thanks to all the people who helped with comments to improve these drawings. Before you download and print any of these drawings, always check here on the updates page to see that you have the latest version. The date of the drawings is always noted on the lower right of the title block, and should match the date of the updates listed here. |
June 26, 2012 |
I've finished most of the drawings for the CA-1 Wirraway, so I've added 3 new drawings to the Wirraway drawings page. As far as I'm aware, these drawings are the first ever to show the CA-1 in the configuration as produced by the factory (ie: without upgrades or modifications added later in the service life of the aircraft). These later modifications are shown as scrap views so they are still on the drawing. The drawing also shows the corrugated tail-plane skins which were on the first 5 CA-1 aircraft produced. | |
April 1, 2012 |
Some more research into the armament carried by the Wirraway has allowed me to update the Armament section on the Wirraway technical details page. Details of the 3 different types of machine guns are shown on the page now, with general arrangement drawings of each of the guns. |
February 1, 2012 |
The first of the pages for the "CAC Files" - The CA-1 Wirraway - is mostly finished. Click to see lots of details about the CA-1 Wirraway. I've uncovered a lot of previously unseen information about the development of the Wirraway, and this is included on the page. |
December 29, 2011 |
Another major overhaul to the site over the last 2 months... I've added drop-down menus on the top navigation bar which should make it easier to find all the different pages on the site. Plus all the pages now have a navigation bar showing where you are and how to get back to the home page or the next higher level within the site. I've also added a site map at the foot of the home page so you can instantly see all the contents of the site. I've also added a new section, The CAC Files, which will provide information on all the historical Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation projects with a CA- number. This came about as a suggestion from John Hopton, so over the next 12 months I'll be adding details of each of the CAC projects. I recently heard from Rev. Roger Vaughan who saw my plan for the Amethyst Falcon home-built and decided to scale it up for sport R/C flying. Roger is an accomplished designer and builder, with several published designs. The resulting scaled-up model has been written up as an article in the January edition of the British magazine RC Models & Electronics. Click here to see pictures of Roger's model on the Builder's Models page. |
December 29, 2010 |
During my research for drawings of the CAC Wirraway, I've collected a large amount of interesting technical information, so I've decided to create a separate Wirraway technical information page with links to copies of some of this information. I've started with some information regarding the geared Pratt & Whitney Wasp R-1340 power plant, it's accessories and the Hamilton Standard propellor. | |
February 19, 2010 |
I've re-organised everything, and added a new page to cover technical drawings of Australian aircraft. Several of them are highly detailed drawings showing design evolution and structural details, based on lots of research of factory information and measurements from actual aircraft. Others are simple outline 3-views, traced from reliable sources (like company documents). I'll also be adding various new drawings covering some CAC aircraft on which I've been doing some research. |
December 10, 2009 |
A while back I changed to a different server, and it looks like many of the files and links were not working. So I've updated some of the links and tidied up some of the images, and removed some of the pages (like the list of internet free flight plans sites, which was contiually going out of date). I still need to spend some more time needed to get everything working correctly. |
August 12, 2006 |
Made some more corrections to the list of websites with free flight plans. Some of the sites listed were no longer up, and one which I previously found was down is up again. Click here for the internet free flight plans links page. |
February 11, 2005 |
Today I posted a new version of the "Aircraft designed in Australia" list which has been tidied up. Click here for the updated page. It still needs some work (not all the plan and 3-view links work correctly, and some of the images still need to be loaded). But all the aircraft listings have been cleaned up and put into correct alphabetical order. I'll soon be moving all these pages to a new web host, hopefully with better access for some folks who find it difficult to connect to the Netscape server. |
February 2, 2005 |
Well, these updates have really slowed down for the moment! Family life, work and travel are all keeping me busy, so I've decided to give the model planes a rest. I've started to build a "big model" which my family can all enjoy at once... a 22 foot long folding trimaran! The design is by Ian Farrier... you can see details of all his designs on his website: I do intend to continue with updates to these pages, as I feel they are a unique record of Australian aviation (both models and full size) but the updates won't be regular any more (well, they were never "regular" anyway). |
November 16, 2004 |
A brief update today. I heard from Luis Font by e-mail that his club website (Club de Aeromodelismo SAF-15) has some downloadable plans in CAD format. He mentioned there are several free flight models and some RC and CL plans as well. The website is hosted on Geocities, and my ISP doesn't seem to allow me to connect to Geocities, but I've added the URL which Luis provided. You can find the link on the Web Free Flight Plans links page page. I still need to do some more work on this page, as several of the links have become unavailable. More on that later... I've also had some e-mails lately with Eric Whitney, who provided some more information regarding several aircraft designed by him and his father Bill Whitney. I'll be adding this information to the "Designed in Australia" pages over the next few months. |
April 21, 2004 |
Some of my drawings for the Yeoman Cropmaster aircraft (and its predecessors back to the Wackett trainer) will appear in the June edition of the AHSA (Aviation Historical Association of Australia) Journal - alongside a fascinating article by Allyn Eckford. I've loaded some extra drawings to the website, and these can be found on the "Designed in Australia" page. |
January 27, 2004 |
All the plans (which were previously missing) have been added back into the Plans page I'm in progress with updating the Web Free Flight Plans links page... several folks have sent some good suggestions for me to add, and I'm checking if all the links are still working. The update is not 100% finished. Sites with "last checked" dates are fixed. |
January 15, 2004 |
Major changes, with the site moving to a different host. There are lots of broken links and images missing... you'll have to be patient for a while. I'll be adding some new websites with downloadable plans, as well as changing the organisation of the pages on this site. More coming soon... stay tuned. |
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First created 07/01/2004 - Last updated 07/08/2012 |